Kamis, 27 September 2012

[FANACC] Infinite at Thailand for "1st Fanmeeting at Thailand" July 28th, 2012

So here’s the day! Yup, Infinite’s fanmeeting day :)

I woke up at 8 A.M. after sleeping for.. Dunno, I guessed 4-5 hours after having a long chit-chat together with Deenah onnie, Kiri and Mei lol. When all members woke up, Deenah onnie and Kiri were deciding to take a Thai massage. Therefore, just me and Mei left. We decided not to do anything.. Err, except for me, I guessed, because at that time I need to fix my phone operator so I can browse internet easily (and make live tweet updates lol).

We went to the lobby, walked to a convenience store and bought some snacks for our breakfast. Had our time together and watched boats back and forth at the river. We wanted to spend our time because we knew that the boys would go downstairs and went to the venue first for rehearsal. Oh, at the moment, I already wore my BTD costume so.. It was.. Pretty awkward for walking around the hotel with that outfit but yeah, am ok with it lol When we went back to the lobby, the van taking Infinite and staffs last night was already there so.. It’s time to see the boys again xD

Mei rushed to our room and took her pocket camera while I was just sitting at the lobby comfortably. Just in a few minutes, I heard “Oppa oppa oppa” and it was from the girls who had been waiting for Infinite at the hotel since the early morning. I knew I missed some moment. All I could tell that the first person I saw, was Sungjong. He smiled and waved to the fans like the night before. Then Dongwoo with his white wifebeater and MCM’s orange backpack, ah, of course with a cap. He look so.. Natural hahah. I saw Sungyeol too. Almost had the same outfit like Dongwoo and I didn’t see the rest of other Infinite’s member.

I went out from the lobby and reached Mei then I just stared at the vans quietly. I noticed the manager, Youngjun (previously, I mentioned him as "Gonam". Don't worry. They're the same person lol). He seemed like calling someone which I concluded it as.. “there’s someone who didn’t go downstairs and it’s probably Sunggyu”. And I was right lol. Right after Youngjun got ready to go to the van, Sunggyu appeared with his white wifebeater, green cardigan, dan spectacles. At this moment, I could tell you that for me, Sunggyu is good-looking person. I don’t know. He shines lol He’s so kind too, since after the other van took off from the hotel, Sunggyu pulled out the curtain inside of his van and waved to the fans. I recorded that moment but unfortunately, my phone memory was broken =_=

At 4 P.M., we were still at the hotel and then went to the venue, which is Impact Exhibition Hall, at 4:30 P.M. As soon as we arrived, there were a lot of fans already waiting in front of the venue. Some was just wandering around and the others were sit on the floor. Ah, there was a big board where Infinite’s Infinitize poster placed on and many people took their photos with it (include me hahah). I’m the type who can’t get along easily in the crowd so I just stick with Mei, Deenah and Kiri. We’ve met some friends too. Like Esther, my KakaoTalk’s friend. She’s from Malaysia and her bias is Dongwoo. So, me, Kiri and her were so excited because we thought it would be difficult for us to find a Dongwoo bias too.

Okay.. So, about the venue. The venue is.. Damn big. I found  the toilet after I walked around the venue back and forth lol Ah yes, I met Neisya too! She’s my friend’s friend but we have talked a lot each other at Twitter a week before. She’s Indonesian but currently she stay at Singapore for her college. She’s a Sungyeol bias. When I met her, the situation suddenly was getting funnier. We were so loud and talked in Indonesian language like friends who haven’t met for years lol

Because of that, at the middle of our conversation, there was a Japanese fan came to me and asked for help to take a picture of her. As I mentioned before, I was totally awkward when I was in the crowd and so did when I met a stranger. I was fine to help the Japanese fans but she thought my expression showed her that I couldn’t understand her language lol. Yeah, I just stayed quiet back then, put her camera on my hand and waited for her and her friends posed in the crowd. After that, I realized that she thought I’m a Thailand person hahah. Just because I was wearing a costume. Yep, it wasn’t just me who wore costume. There were a dance cover group (and from what I know, they danced in front of Infinite at the beginning of press conference yesterday) wears The Chaser outfit. (ps. The red one. Me likey.)

And.. The event should be start at 7 PM but at that time.. Me and my friends still sat on the floor (like a boss) while everyone’s already queuing up at certain lines. Me and Mei had our number seat together and we entered the venue, I guess, at 7:40. There were two big screens at the left and right stage. Before the event started, they played so many videos like Infinite at their behind the scene of Second Invasion, Nell’s music video teaser, and a new teaser which known as Tasty’s debut teaser these days. We also found a big piece of paper on each of our seat. Some people got the heart shape on it and others got a Hangul’s message, like me and Mei. We didn’t understand about this but a Thai Inspirit then explained to us. We had hold the paper when a song called “With…” being played. Interesting, right? Yes, it was for Inspirit Thailand’s project :)

And the fanmeeting just begun.. Hehe. Their first songs was Infinitize, The Chaser and Paradise. I cried during Infinitize lol Silly. It was just because when the song played, suddenly all my memories before I went to Thailand came up and made a flashback. I still couldn’t believe that I already came to an Infinite’s event. Finally. I won’t describe all the songs in details because you know, Infinite always do their best so you can imagining by yourself kkkk. Just.. During Matgyeo, Dongwoo threw soooo much hearts to my section. He’s cute kkkkk. I thought he was a bit tired too because he wasn’t showing a lot of trolling movements like he always did :(Otherwise,  they sang In The Summer, Only Tears, Nothing’s Over and BTD too also Be Mine as their last song.

Kkeut! That was the end of the fanmeeting kkkkk. After that, me and Mei rushed together out from the venue and met Deenah onnie also Kiri. We went to the airport to see Infinite before they left to Japan also accompanied Kiri who had to go back to Korea. So.. As scheduled before, we would see Infinite at gate L.

There were soooooo many fans who have been waiting for them. Even I saw some of them made giants letter of Infinite from green cardboards. Cute :3 But well yeah, unfortunately, somehow we got tricked lol Infinite appeared from gate A and I.. just.. ran.. to get them.. from gate L to gate A. What I needed to do at that time was to give my green dino doll to Dongwoo but because of that ‘accident’, I couldn’t passed it to him. Dunno why, but I didn’t regret it at all hahaha. Me, Mei and Deenah onnie went back to the hotel happily. For me, maybe because.. I believe that I’ll get the right time to pass that tiny doll for Dongwoo. Hehehe.

I got a lot of great moments on that day. Besides that I do love Infinite so much, I love my Inspirit friends too. I promise to myself that I will meet them again at Infinite’s event and make another amazing journey than this :]

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