Sabtu, 25 Mei 2013

[REVIEW] Korean Skin Care and Lip Care Product: Holika Holika Water March Green Moisture Full Cream and Missha Melting Sugar Lip Scrub

Yay! My new babies had arrived this week :)

I bought two items this time from Riebutik. They are Holika Holika Water March Green Moisture Full Cream for pore treatment and Missha Melting Sugar Lip Scrub for lip treatment. 

I decided to bought the Holika Holika one because I’ve tried its sample from Coccinelle (ssstttt, the owner is very kind!!!! She’s never disappointing me ^^). Basically I need a moisturizer for my face because usually I always use my Nivea hand body for it lol I know sooner or later it won’t be match with my skin yet maybe it can give me a bad result if I keep continuing that habit. I read the description also its testimonials from Coccinelle’s Facebook so I decided to give it a try. The result is.. VERY GOOD!!! It gives me a cool sensation once after I apply it on all over of my face. It really hydrates my skin like its promise and my face becomes less oily than before :3

Now move to the Missha one.. Hehe. Well I guess I’m a bit freaky when the topic turns into lippy products. Recently, I have 2 lip tints, 1 lip gloss, 1 lip balm and 1 lip scrub. Before this item come to my house, I already gave my money to Too Cool For School’s lip scrub which is Maybe Baby Lip XD I’m still using it till now because it has a handy package. Now after Missha came, I’d like to say that Missha will give you a better result rather than TCFS but they won’t disappoint you though. They’re doing a very good job to your lips so both of these items are recommended! :D

So, if you have the same problems like me, you shall try these products :]

Senin, 20 Mei 2013

[REVIEW] Korean Skin Care Product: Etude House Wonder Pore Freshner

Hello! Feels like I’ve missed so many good days to tell all of them here :p

Well, the next paragraphs that you would see is probably one of the most rare thing that I’ve ever wrote. It’s about skin care products lol Let me tell you my weird secret: Though I appeal as a veryyyyyyy boyish girl, I actually have a feminine side (even some of my friends told me that I’m more girly more than them lol believe it or not)

This time, Etude House Wonder Pore Freshner will be my first item to review, as it has been requested by Meylisa 8D I actually ever made some posts of this item at Twitter but I think it’d turn out better if I post it in this blog also.

For me, Etude House Wonder Pore Freshner is my mood-maker. Why? Because everytime after I apply this item on my face, I feel that something new has been replaced right on the surface of my face. I feel the fresh sensation and it will last longer even when you’re sleeping. Yay, I like it, no, I love it! <3

Anyway, I’m a veryyyyyy picky person so when I was about to give this item a shot, I bought the sample one first at Omoni Tiga. When I applied it at the first time, on the next morning, it breaks me out. There were 2-4 acnes came at that time and I decide to not giving up too easily with this product. On the second day, the acnes became a bit ‘relax’ and so on until the next 3-4 days.


My problems didn’t stop there lol It made my face becomes supeeeeer oily. Again and again, I still gave my trust to this product and kept continuing to use it. Since December 2012, the time when I purchased the bigger version of it which is 500 ml at Riebutik, until today, it makes my face become cleaner and softer. My face is still oily but now only at the T-zone area. It's enough I think because I believe that I'm still can manage 'the oil' (lol) by keep drinking water, eating vegetables and fruits :D

Then, starting from today, I already opened the second 500 ml bottle of Etude Wonder Pore Freshner. I will purchase it again and again lol I hope Etude House also wouldn’t discontinue this incredible product.

So, that is my review for today. I hope you enjoy it and I hope this post can inspire you ;)